21 Air Conditioner Maintenance and Servicing Tips 302
by Admin
Posted on 05-08-2023 01:53 PM
We asked this old house plumbing and heating expert richard trethewey to share his air conditioner maintenance tips for central air and window units.
Home technology hvac maintenance cleaning tips, hacks and products home improvement maintain your air-conditioner, and you’ll not only save money on energy, but you’ll also extend its lifespan, saving money on costly early replacement. "maintaining your ac unit is important for energy efficiency, comfort, for overall occupant health and overall unit function," says dr. Sarah d. Kirby, state program leader for family & consumer sciences and a professor at north carolina state university. Dr, kirby, who is also the assistant director of the nc state extension , says a properly running air conditioner removes excess moisture in the air, keeping occupants comfortable.
Back to blog the last thing you want in macon, ga, is a broken air conditioner. The heat will be one thing, but the cost of replacing your ac unit might make you sweat even more! fortunately, there are some easy tasks you can perform to maintain your unit. Use these ac maintenance tips and tricks to keep your air conditioner running smoothly. If you are not comfortable performing maintenance on your air conditioning unit and live in the macon, georgia, area, don’t hesitate to contact us online and schedule a service appointment! at conditioned air, inc. , our hvac contractors and crewmembers are dedicated to providing our local area with quality work!.
Understand How Your Air Conditioner Works
Don’t let summer heat slow down your diy projects. Keep cool in your garage workshop by installing a room air conditioner.
It’s easy to do yourself. 20 / 21.
A professional is needed for almost every other residential air conditioner system issue. Cleaning vents, compressor overheating, low refrigerant, leaks, and burnt-out fan motors all need a trained professional. The biggest issue with these known problems is proper diagnosis. For example, a fan motor that doesn’t spin can be one of seven different causes. It can also be a combination of issues. To test the problem, you need to understand the wiring, components and be willing to work with 240 volts of live electrical circuits. Unless the issue is an air filter, small electrical component, or a fan motor with an obvious cause, a professional is needed to inspect, diagnose, and repair the system.
Think about all of the products you’ve ever owned. And had trouble with. A new computer. The latest cell phone. Or your car for example. Then, think about how many times you’ve had to reach out for professional help only to discover the answer was something really simple. It’s frustrating, and maybe a little embarrassing to think about the time and money wasted when the solution didn’t require professional help. The experts at carrier understand how you feel. That’s why we’re offering some basic troubleshooting tips for common air conditioner problems. Central air conditioning is a system with multiple components.
1. Keep it clean check and clean the unit of any debris. Over time dirt, grass, leaves, and more can surround your unit, reducing airflow. Clean the area before turning the a/c on for the summer and trim any shrubs to keep the air flowing. 2. Level the air conditioner unit make sure your air conditioner pad is in a stable position. Compressors on concrete pads can settle over time. This places strain on the coolant lines. Level the condenser for better performance. 3. Fix your fins fins on an a/c unit are fragile. When the fins are bent, heat can get trapped within the unit.